Berkshire Cleanroom Wipes

Berkshire Cleanroom Wipes

Cleanroom wipes, also known as wipers are low-lint cloths typically found in controlled environments or cleanrooms to wipe away surface contamination and spills. It is the most common and effective tool for removing contaminants, liquids, and residual material from any hard surface. Wipers are an integral part of the six cleaning stages that helps an operator focus on effective surface cleaning by removing debris, applying chemicals, rinsing to remove residue, and properly drying the surface. The use of task-specific wipers is essential to ensure the surface is adequately prepared, clean, and ready for use. Using the correct wipes when cleaning is vital to avoid further issues or cross-contamination.

We offer a variety of high-quality, lint-free* wipers that are safe for use in cleanrooms ranging from Class 10 to Class 100,000. Whether you need laundered polyester wipesmicrofiber wipesnonwoven cleanroom wipersESD cleanroom wipes, or sterile wipes, we can help you not only choose the right product, but we can build one specific to your application that complies with your particular protocols, regardless of your industry.

Cleanroom cleaning wipes differ from industrial cleaning cloths because they are designed to shed or release minimal lint or particles. These cleaning wipes are scientifically measured and evaluated for fibers, particles, and metal ions. The most common cleanroom wipes are nonwoven and are usually made with a cellulose component. They are often considered low-lint vs. lint-free. Pre-laundered polyester wipes with sealed edges are the cleanest wiper option available. They are washed in purified filtered water before being dried and packaged in a cleanroom to ensure that any loose particles or fibers are removed from the wipe. Sterile lint-free wipes are typically gamma-irradiated to eliminate organisms so you can safely use them in an aseptic clean room.

Ellipsiz DSS offers Berkshire wipers made from a wide range of materials and sizes for a variety of applications including:

  • Cotton Wipes
  • Foam Wipes
  • Knitted Wipes
  • Low Endotoxin wipes
  • Microfiber Wipes
  • Nonwoven Wipes
  • Sterile Wipes

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