Quad: Traceability & Advanced repair loop System
QUAD (QUality ADvisor) is a software suite built around a centralized database for providing traceability of any PCB / Systems electronic production data. It offers a powerful support for PCB fault diagnosis and collects all data regarding PCB repair to share experience between QUAD users. It provides access to detailed information in real-time that can be presented clearly and precisely using advanced reporting. It has been designed to be used either as a stand alone system or to be easily integrated into any existing production environment.
QUAD has been developed to optimize and streamline the collaboration between different disciplines that complement the production process. By providing an open data viewing software environment, it provides an insight for OEM’s, CEM’s, design service bureaus and other suppliers for monitoring manufacturing issues and problems.
It also supports links to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, finite capacity scheduling, SPQ/SPC modules, and can handle complex bills of materials (BOMs) as well as engineering change orders (ECOs).
Strategic Benefits of QUAD
The strategic benefits that the manufacture can expect include:
- Cycle-time reduction.
- Scrap and cost reductions.
- Time-to-market improvement.
- Quality, productivity, and yield improvements.
- Complete product/component traceability.
- Improved data accuracy
- Shared experience for the diagnostic.
- Repair action more easy with the advanced diagnostic tools.

QUAD comprises of 3 main modules:
- QuadRecorder, part of tester interface, is a generic data logger that allows automatic access to all test and diagnostic results generated by Automatic Test Equipment.
- QuadStation, part of repair, analyses the data presented to the repair and diagnostic station, to allow the operator to quickly fix the detected fault and graphically input repair data into the QUAD database.
- QuadReports produces advanced quality management information and reports in real-time and can be delivered by e-mail or provide automatically a web site.